Wednesday, March 7, 2012

RHYTHM OF NATURE The natural world in which we live, and of which we humans constitute a part, works on the basis of cycle. It is a common that every process tends to run down and stop because the energy back of it becomes exhausted in overcoming resistance, and changes to some other form. Whatever may seem to be a continuing process is really a moving equilibrium which continues by rhythm or cycle; one force dominates for a time, only to yield the dominance sooner or later to some other force. Every process goes by ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. A stream has a winding course because the current impinges against the banks, first on one side, and then on the other. Day alternates with night, winter alternates with summer. There are also longer cycles: for a series of years there is abundant rainfall, then for some years succeeding these the rainfall is scanty; sun-spots have their cycles, and electrical storms; and probably also earthquakes and glacial epochs; the precession of the equinoxes makes a cycle of 26,000 years. Painting is a mode of expression, and the forms are numerous. Drawing, composition or abstraction and other aesthetics may serve to manifest the expressive and conceptual intention of the practitioner. Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect. Rhythm is important in painting as well as in music. If one defines rhythm as "a pause incorporated into a sequence", then there can be rhythm in paintings. These pauses allow creative force to intervene and add new creations—form, melody, colouration. The distribution of form, or any kind of information is of crucial importance in the given work of art and it directly affects the aesthetical value of that work. This is because the aesthetical value is functionality dependent, i.e. the freedom (of movement) of perception is perceived as beauty. Free flow of energy, in art as well as in other forms of "techne", directly contributes to the aesthetical value. I have named my project {my journey to my inner self},”RHYTHM OF NATURE”, as it tends to manifest the idea that my paintings are the spontaneous overflow of the powerful feelings hidden in my heart. The rhythm in which the whole universe is moving, is the chief idea of my creativity. I have adopted the medium of my paintings to express the innermost feelings of my heart. Herein lies the difference between photography and art. The former is the factual reflection of nature whereas the latter is the truth which is expressed after we capture the facts by means of perception. Within this “TRUTH” lies latent, the perpetual happiness of expression and the website “RHYTHM OF NATURE” brings forth, this happiness of spontaneously expressing, the powerful feelings of the heart. .

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